7 Outdoor Activities You Can Do Better After LASIK Surgery

Falls only last for three months, so it’s essential to ensure you make the most of the festive season. You can do loads of exciting activities in the crisp autumn months, like visiting a pumpkin patch, apple picking, and seeing the awe of a corn maze.

Completing all the exciting activities on your fall list shouldn’t be overwhelming. Instead, it should be interesting! One way you can make it easier to accomplish all of your seasonal plans is by discovering the benefits of a clear vision.

Glasses and contacts often come with significant inconveniences, some more evident than others. That’s where lasik eye surgery comes from. Once you achieve freedom from eyeglasses and contacts, you wi realize how much easier it is to accomplish your plans every season. Below, we look at how LASIK surgery makes some of our favourite fall activities easier to enjoy.

Related: A Complete Comparison Guide For Visian ICL And LASIK Surgery

When picking out a pumpkin, you need clarity and precision to see which gourd is the best. After LASIK surgery, you won’t need to worry about wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses to see clearly. You will be able to identify the thrilling pumpkin from a mile away.

Plus, bright vision makes it easier when carving your pumpkin, as you won’t have to worry about seeds and pulp getting on the contact lenses of your eyeglasses when things get messy.

7 Outdoor Activities You Can Do Better After LASIK Surgery

1. Jumping in piles of leaves

If you are partaking in an exercise that requires quick movement, like jumping into piles of leaves, there is always a chance your eyeglasses could fall off and become broken or lost. Even with contact lenses, there is still a slim risk they could shift or become dislodged.

But the beauty of LASIK surgey is that it allows people to perform a wide range of exciting activities without worrying about how their eyeglasses or contact lenses may be impacted, leaving you with nothing on your mind.

2. Finding your way in a corn maze

You need perfect vision when trying to solve any puzzle, including a corn maze. Many people have 20/20 vision or better after the LASIK surgery and often see results immediately after their procedure. That is handy when you’re stuck in a corn maze where every corner looks the same!

3. Watching scary movies

Blurry vision can be frustrating when playing outdoors or watching a movie, as it can ruin the whole experience. But even though your eyeglasses may help you see the screen better, they come with their annoyances. For example, with frames, you can’t lie down on your side without distress or risking damage to your eyeglasses. Even though following your LASIK surgery, this will no longer be an issue. You can watch your favourite movie in any comfortable position without worrying about how your eyeglasses may interfere. The problem is to decide which Halloween flick you would like to go to first.

4. Walking through a haunted house

Although eyeglasses and contacts give you clear enough vision to see the frightening things ahead of you in a ghostly house, they can be a problem if you become frightened and suddenly move.

If you jolt backwards or turn in different directions, your eyeglasses can fly off your face. If there are people in your group trying to run away, they may step on your frames without realizing it. Even with contacts, there is always a risk they could move or become dislodged, leaving you with an uncomfortable vision for the rest of your experience.

LASIK surgery reduces or eliminates dependency on eyeglasses and contact lenses, giving you nothing to worry about. That way, you only have to be frightened of the haunted house, not the risk of losing your glasses or contacts.

7 Outdoor Activities You Can Do Better After LASIK Surgery

5. Hiking with the family

Fall is among the most charming seasons, and you only have a limited time to witness the changing colour of the leaves. That’s why it’s the perfect season to invite the family to do something thrilling outdoors, like a hike.

If you wear eyeglasses, you will understand how annoying it’s when they fog up as you begin sweating. Or, if the sweat penetrates your eyes while wearing contacts, it can irritate you. Luckily, after LASIK, you will never face these inconveniences again when enjoying a hike, no matter the season.

6. Enjoying a hot beverage

If you wear eyeglasses, you are likely familiar with the struggle of your contact lenses fogging up while trying to sip a hot drink, like a hot chocolate or pumpkin spice latte. Even a warm cup of soup can suffice. But once you find freedom from eyeglasses with LASIK, this is one thing you’ll never have to worry about again. You can enjoy all of your favourite falls treats with ease.

7. Dressing up for Halloween

One of the most intriguing parts of fall is Halloween. LASIK makes it easier to enjoy the spooky festivities associated with the holiday by ridding you of the problems of eyeglasses and contacts.

After laser surgery, you won’t have to worry about whether your eyeglasses interfere with or don’t match your clothing. You can rock beautifully rubbed makeup without your frames hitting your fake eyelashes, hiding your colourful eye shadow, or smearing your face paint. Plus, there is no risk your eyeglasses will fall off while busting out a new dance move. Moreover, you won’t have to be nervous about wearing contact lenses for an extended period or taking them out when the night ends.


It should also be mentioned that LASIK eye surgery helps save you money in the long run. While it may seem like an expensive investment, LASIK helps reduce recurring costs associated with prescription glasses, contact lenses, and contact lens solutions. This way, you’ll have more money to complete everything on your bucket list this fall and for seasons. Try our savings calculator to discover how much you could save with laser vision correction.